Friday, July 4, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Laundry, walking, smiles
Well, I've been neglecting the blogging of the exercises...but not the exercises. :) My neighbor walks her dog at 3 every afternoon and I've been walking with her (though not every afternoon--I skip the rainy ones and the ones when I have to be somewhere else). It's always good to have a partner.
Laundry--where do you sort your clean laundry? I do mine on my bed.

And just because I couldn't resist--a smile!

Monday, February 25, 2008
My Children
Turtle, 11-Frog, 4-Dragonfly, 18-Lizard, 15-Ant, 2-Butterfly, 9-Gator, 20 days-Ladybug, 13-Bee, 7 (only managed to exercise once last week-besides Kegels, that is... /sigh/ )
Thursday, February 21, 2008
"I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you."
Psalm 119:11 (ESV)
A friend and I were recently discussing "those" know the ones where everything that can go wrong does--and does it early in the morning, so that the whole day is affected. As we went back and forth in our conversation, discussing all that happens on those days, we eventually got around to the fact that both of us have a tendency to yell at our children when nothing is going the way we want it to. We both sighed and then laughed. As conversations do, ours took a detour. She asked me about the birth of my little 'Gator (maybe I'll get around to posting that, eventually) and I mentioned that I had meditated on a verse from the OT to get through it (1Chron 28:20), then jokingly added, "Maybe we need to pick a verse to meditate on so we won't yell at our children!"
Sometimes God lets us walk circles around that which should be so obvious to us, then He gently nudges us into it. He knew, from the beginning of time, what this day would bring for me, for you, and everyone else on the earth. And He provided something for us in His Written Word, that if we knew it, if we had stored it in our hearts, would provide strength, purpose, or Peace.
"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phil 4:6-7
Psalm 119:11 (ESV)
A friend and I were recently discussing "those" know the ones where everything that can go wrong does--and does it early in the morning, so that the whole day is affected. As we went back and forth in our conversation, discussing all that happens on those days, we eventually got around to the fact that both of us have a tendency to yell at our children when nothing is going the way we want it to. We both sighed and then laughed. As conversations do, ours took a detour. She asked me about the birth of my little 'Gator (maybe I'll get around to posting that, eventually) and I mentioned that I had meditated on a verse from the OT to get through it (1Chron 28:20), then jokingly added, "Maybe we need to pick a verse to meditate on so we won't yell at our children!"
Sometimes God lets us walk circles around that which should be so obvious to us, then He gently nudges us into it. He knew, from the beginning of time, what this day would bring for me, for you, and everyone else on the earth. And He provided something for us in His Written Word, that if we knew it, if we had stored it in our hearts, would provide strength, purpose, or Peace.
"do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus."
Phil 4:6-7
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
A Challenge

A Challenge has been issued to those of us who are moms of many. With the Blessing of children comes responsibility--as with all Blessings. That responsibility is to teach them about God: His Love, His Grace, His Word, His Son. We can't do that if we are ill, or tired all the time, or incapacitated in some other way (like when I needed back surgery and several months to recover after it). While there are some things that are beyond our control, if something IS in my control I should do my best at it. Taking care of the body God gave me and keeping it in good repair are part of my job. This challenge is specifically about exercising. Since my sweet baby boy is only 23 days old (picture taken while typing this), I will be starting out slowly. This week I'm thinking Kegels and the back strengthening stretches I do on my tummy will be my exercises of choice.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
He's here
Our gorgeous 'Gator was born January 27. I thought he would come on the 21st, but he wanted me to wait. He was 7lbs 11 oz and 19 1/2 inches on his birthday--by his dr appt on the 8th day, he was up to 8~1 and 21" (obviously no problems with nursing). Here are a few pictures. taken with my phone... (day 1, day 3, day 10)

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