These are some of the new residents around our homestead. We have been very busy, trying to get everything ready for us to move. We have gotten so much accomplished, yet there is still so much to be done.
Our garden is doing better this year than last year. We added three new beds and have been growing more of the practical things than we did last year...and none of the rather frivolous items (melons). We have had to deal with a serious potato bug infestation...and the deer keep eating my roses...but since those have been dealt with, everything seems to be going well.
The two goats are both wethers (not little boys anymore) and are strictly around for practical purposes. Goats are great at clearing brushy weeds and small trees off the land. They will eat most weeds, but are not especially fond of grass. When winter comes, they will go into our freezer. I hear Chili Cabrito is pretty amazing.
We thought we were ready for electricity, but when the company came out to check, they gave us a few more tasks to accomplish. The biggest part is clearing a path through the trees I wanted to keep as a windbreak/privacy barrier. Lizard and Turtle have been doing an amazing job of getting the small trees and brush cleared out of there this week, using just an ax, a hatchet, and a pair of branch loppers. I am very proud of the work they have been doing.