This morning, while I was reading quietly, Cricket woke up, sat up and smiled at me...I mean smiled at the book on the end of the bed. After she had looked at it for a few minutes, Alligator came in (he's 3 now!) and asked Cricket if she would like him to read that to her. In the back of my mind, I was a little annoyed. I mean, I was trying to read while it was still quiet in the house--and now I had two very young children in the room with me!
But then...
...his sweet voice quoting every word, every inflection, from the many times big sisters or I had read that same book to him...
...his admonition to his little sister to be gentle with books...
What if I had sent him away? After all, he was interupting my quiet time. What if I had rejected the blessing of this child? After all, he was the ninth! Who needs/can afford/has the patience for NINE children? (Not me!!) What other blessings do I miss because I'm too busy or too annoyed or too...
What do you miss?